There are few things I do well in the kitchen. Cutting limes is one of them.
When I was in high school I got a job as a hostess at a local bar. When my mother found out that her beloved, sweet daughter was working at a bar that was open until 4am every night she was none too impressed. "Nothing good ever happens after midnight," she used to say.
Much to her dismay, I kept that bar job for ten years. I rarely worked full time and rarely worked more than a month or two in a row. I simply came and went as I pleased, in between semesters or in between jobs.
Anyway, once I turned 18 I became a waitress. Eventually, the managers got sick of fighting with me about wearing my apron and they let me start bartending.
I learned a lot about dealing with idiots, a lot about beer and liquor and a lot about cutting fruit. Have you ever bartended? If so, then you know that cutting fruit is the bane of your existence.
My point is, I can cut a lemon or a lime like no one's business. And I can do it in a nano second.
Here's how to cut a lemon or lime like a pro:
#1 Cut off both the ends so all the white stuff is gone and you can see the meat.
#2 Turn it on end and slice it down the middle, long ways.
When I used to ask my students to fold their paper long ways they would say "You mean like a hot dog, not a hamburger, right?" That always made me laugh.
Where was I?
Limes, right.
#3 Now, using the tip of your knife, slice long ways (like a hot dog) through the meat, a little over half way - not into the rind! This will be the slit that holds it on the glass.
#4 Now turn it meat side down and slice horizontally all the way through. For a normal size lime, I would aim for four five slices.
Repeat step #3 and #4 with the other half.
Bada-bing-bada-boom! Perfect lime slices for your next margarita party!
It always amazed me that kids can't fold paper without knowing hotdog or hamburger. My teachers used to say left to right or top to bottom. I finally quit fighting and used the hotdog-hamburger terms!