Last night the forecast said we were going to get 10-20 inches of snow. Sure enough, school was canceled for today, thus marking the second snow day this year. Hallelujah, my alarm clock was immediately turned off and I rolled back over and slept in for another few hours.
Once I finally dragged myself out of bed, TC and I braved the snowy roads and went out for breakfast. Then we hit up the grocery store for brown sugar so we could make oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. For some reason a snowy day seems to call for warm cookies that are fresh out of the oven.

Once the cookies were made we bundled up in our snow pants and parkas and headed out to the front yard. The dogs came too but they didn't need to bundle up because they wear their fur coats all the time.
Mission Snowman was about to go down.

I'm a newbie to snowman building, but luckily for me TC is an expert. It wasn't long before he had rolled, literally, the bottom third of the snowman. Then he started the second ball and told me to keep rolling while he finished up the first ball. Again, I didn't really know what I was doing. This is probably why the middle piece became just as gigantic as the first.
When we went to lift the middle piece onto the bottom piece, well, it was heavy. Much too heavy for us to simply lift. We kicked some snow off of it to try to drop some weight and gave it another try. Right about then the weight of the snow knocked TC over.
There he lay.
On his back.
In the snow.
With a gigantic snowball on his chest.
He got his feet under it and was then able to wrangle it onto the bottom piece. I wish I had photos of this because it would have been priceless. Unfortunately I was too busy trying to help, all the while getting snow down my pants, up my pants and in my sleeves. We must have been quite the sight for the neighbors.

Our snowman finally came together once we scoured the yard and found acorns and rocks to serve as the finishing touches.

Maple kept trying to eat the arm to play fetch so she is forever fired from snowman building.

Snow days are so glorious because they always fall just when you really need a break. I have a to-do list that is a mile long. I could have spent today being productive and ticking things right off my list. But I didn't. Instead I spent the day with my awesome TC and did fun and festive things. As I walked out of the restaurant tonight I couldn't help but announce, "I love the holidays!"

And I do, especially when they are carefree and full of good times with my favorite people.
Plus, pulling up to my house and seeing a huge snowman makes me laugh.
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