I was sifting through photos tonight trying to hunt down photos of the year's highlights. My photos are organized by date and most of the them started back in 2009 and 2010. Well I'll be damned if those photos labeled 2010 don't feel like just the other day. How in the world that was almost three years ago I will never know.
I suppose what they say is true. Time flies when you're having fun.
Like back in January when Gwen was just a tiny baby. How is it possible that Carla just threw her 1 year old birthday party? How is she already walking?!
This is last February but it feels like this afternoon.
Oh wait, that's probably because TC spent all afternoon snowblowing the driveway.
Is it summer yet?
Last March we spent a week touring through Old Quebec City and Montreal. It was a blast, and the trip we're planning for March Break this year is going to be even better. Paris, here we come!
Last April we took made our annual pilgrimage deep into the woods in search of fresh maple syrup. This is one of my favorite Canadian traditions and I'm already looking forward to the trip this year.
In April I also ran my very first 10k race and also my first 15k. Actually, this doesn't feel like it was just the other day - it feels like 15 pounds ago. I can't wait to get that feeling of accomplishment back again.
When May rolled around TC and his buddies cleaned up the boat and got it back in the water for another season of sailing. In September they even sailed the World Championships in New York.
June brought about another great summer in Maine. I can still feel the sun on my face and then wind in my hair. That feeling is what is going to get me through this winter.
TC and I had some good adventures this summer and we're already planning a few news one for 2013.
In August I spent an amazing two weeks visiting Atlanta and North Carolina. My college roommates and I spent several of those days enjoying Asheville and getting in some much needed girl time.
This fall TC and I managed to carve a nice and normal pumpkin without loosing a finger or making a trip to the ER. Success!
In November, after a year and a half of online attendance, I finally set foot on the campus that will become my alma mater in May. One more semester to go and I will have a University of Maine diploma to hang on my wall.

Of course, the real highlight of the fall was Southern American Thanksgiving in Canada. Dinner for 17 was a new record and thankfully the turkey did not turn to saw dust.

Finally, to end the year, we spent a perfectly wonderful week in Atlanta with my family for Christmas. Christmas present shopping was especially fun this year. I think I even managed to find a gift for TC that he will love forever.
Ahh, 2012. You were a good year.
What were your highlights of the year?
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