
Monday, October 8, 2012

Weekend Highlights.

A night out?! I don't even know what to do with myself...what a treat. On Friday night we started with some friends for delicious sushi.

Then we moved on to a great little bar in town. It has a nautical theme so its right up our alley.

Then things got ugly.

Like ugly enough that I didn't get off the couch on Saturday. And it was totally worth it.

So Sunday rolled around and we had our usual Sunday breakfast. Baby Gwen is only 9 months old and she's already perusing the menu and judging me for ordering greasy food and not going to the gym.

I spent literally the rest of the day and all night in front of my computer researching the causes of autism for a class I'm taking. Legit, I started at 11am this morning and it is almost 3am now. It was enough to make me reconsider my chosen career. Seriously. Maybe I'll become a florist. Or a janitor. Or anything that doesn't make me write papers on theories - because NO ONE KNOWS WHERE AUTISM COMES FROM! Gah.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving! We had a delicious turkey dinner with TC's family that was absolutely delicious. His parents are turkey experts. Plus his mom made us a huge container of leftovers. She layers turkey, stuffing, potatoes and gravy all in a little casserole dish.

You can guess what we're having for dinner tomorrow night.

Today I'm thankful that everyone was gracious enough to choke down my pecan pie that wasn't cooked enough in the middle but was cooked too much on top.

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

And thank God I have tomorrow off. 

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