
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Highway Gospel, Football, Cupcakes and Mastodons.

After having friends over this weekend, The Canadian and I headed to Nova Scotia on Saturday. Some good friends of ours spent the last few years filming a documentary that was showing at the Atlantic Film Festival in Halifax. We saw it as the perfect opportunity to get out of town for the night and support their cause.

I was excited to head out on my second trip to Halifax but I had one hang-up -- would I be able to watch my beloved VOLS battle the Gators? I haven't been able to watch a game all season and this was a big game so I insisted that we track down a sports bar as soon as we got into town. Obviously, I have my priorities in line. 

At the bar we sat down right in front of the big screen as the game was coming on. There was one other man sitting at the bar so we struck up a conversation. The man immediately noted my dislike for Florida and said he agreed with me. After a minute of idle chatter we realized that we both hail from Atlanta. Not only that but we're both from the same suburb and we graduated from the same high school! What are the chances that I would meet an alum from my little Georgia high school sitting at a Canadian bar? See? This is why you should always be on your best behavior.

We watched the game and I fell further in love with Tyler Bray. I know he's not perfect, but he's the best we've had in a while and I love him.

And I'm loving Coach Dooley's orange pants. I'm even friends with his pants on Facebook. That's right. The pants have their own page. Did you know the pants were imported from Europe and then had to be dyed three times to get the shade of Tennessee orange just right? That's dedication, people. It's how we roll up in Big Orange Country. 

The next day we awoke and headed out to a fantastic hole in the wall for breakfast. And I ordered a chocolate milkshake. What? It comes in an old fashioned metal thing-y. At least I had eggs benedict on the side. Don't worry, I get my protein in.


After my breakfast of champions The Canadian and I hit the streets to spend some time cruisin' around down town before Highway Gospel (remember? the reason we were there in the first place) started. The most important stop of the day? Nope, it wasn't lululemon (although the store was amazing). It was Susie's.

Because the chocolate milkshake wasn't enough I felt the need to push myself further toward a diabetic coma by ordering a Peppermint Patty and Death by Peanut Butter cupcake.

Then I gave The Canadian a lesson on my new strategy for eating cupcakes: tear of the bottom and place it on top of the frosting. That way you get equal parts cake and frosting in every bite. I'm a genius. You can thank me later for revolutionizing your cupcake-eating strategies.

Eventually, finally, we made it to the Film Festival where we met up with Ally, Craig Jackson, and Chris.

We were there to see a screening of Highway Gospel, which is a documentary about skateboarding life. Craig, Chris and a few other guys spent some major time traveling across Canada, in a VW van, following the long board skateboarding circuit and getting some amazing footage of it. They met some three crazy characters along the way and based the documentary off their lives. It's quite the story! It's amazing to watch the film on the big screen while sitting next to Craig, the producer, and realize that he was actually there for all those crazy events. For those of you who don't know, long boarding is a type of skateboarding where you race down hill on windy roads. I'm not sure how legal it always is to host these races, so you can just imagine the type of crowds it draws. These people are crazy awesome and it was really interesting to get a little insight into the world of long boarding.

After all the years, work and money these guys put into the project it was really cool to watch their dream come to fruition as the movie rolled at the Atlantic Film Festival. I was so proud!

After the screening The Canadian and I headed home. On our way we stopped for gas at the coolest gas station ever! It has a Mastodon! I was in awe.

So in awe that I made it black and white.

And I made it sepia. Just for fun.

It wasn't the best part of our trip. I swear. The film was. Good job Craig, Chris and Jaret!

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