
Thursday, September 8, 2011

In Honor of My Mom.

Cruising around town yesterday, I heard an advertisement on the radio. This never happens to me -- I always listen to my iPod instead of the radio solely because I hate commercials. Hence the reason my playlists are so out of date... But for whatever reason, I was listening to the radio and heard a commercial for the Race for the Cure. It struck a chord with me. So, I grabbed my iPhone and sent myself a quick email reminder that simply said 'race cure.' Then I went about my errands and forgot all about it.

I woke up this morning, made a pot of coffee and checked my email. There it was. My little reminder. 

Over my first cup of coffee I googled Race for the Cure. I didn't think I could do it because I'm not part of a team nor do I belong to any type of group that could possibly form a team. I've always thought Race for the Cure was a team thing that offices or schools did. I was shocked to find a button on the website for individual entries. So I clicked on it, still not thinking I would actually sign up. Let's be honest here. I'm no runner. I want to be a runner. I'm constantly thinking about signing up for races. But I never do because I am not a runner. I don't care if it's only a 5K. I am not a runner

Anyway, there were two options: Pay a $40 participation fee and be done OR commit to raising $150. Hmmm. I'll pay the $40. Thank you very much. Asking people for money is not my cup of tea. There is a reason I didn't go into sales. Taking and asking for money makes me uncomfortable. 

Well, I clicked the Commit to Raise $150 button. Then I thought, I guess I'm going to donate $150. Oh well. 

But then I decided to up the ante to a $300 goal. Go big or go home, right?

So there you have it. I have 25 days to come up with $150/$300 buckaroos and go from couch to 5K. Awesome. 

So I went to get a second cup of coffee. Then sat back down to create my personal page. I edited, wrote a message and uploaded my favorite photo of me and my breast-cancer-ass-kicking mom. Then I put together an email and sent it out to friends and family. Well, some of them. Just the ones I'm not too embarrassed to ask.

While I was pouring my third cup of coffee I decided that if I'm going to do this then I'm going to do this. Like, awesome pink t-shirt, maybe a pink boa and definitely pink sunglasses. And I remembered that I own 2 pairs of pink Nike shorts, a bright pink running jacket, hot pink knee-high athletic socks (with white stripes at the top) and a dark pink bandanna. Perfect. All I need is the t-shirt.

While I drank my third cup of coffee I went to and started playing with t-shirt ideas.

Might be funny to wear while I train and run around the neighborhood. But it's slightly inappropriate.

I like it but it instills guilt which is definitely not what I'm going for.


But this. This, I like.

A slightly more manly version for The Canadian to wear??? Maybe. 

I didn't actually order anything yet. But there will be a t-shirt. Oh, there will be a t-shirt. Even if I have to iron on letters myself. Everyone is going to know that I support breast cancer awareness like never before. Everyone is going to know how thankful I am for the research that helped shape the surgeries for my mom's treatment. Everyone is going to know that the answers are out there and we just need to find them.

Enough about t-shirts.

I eventually went back to my email account as I finished up my last cup of coffee. About an hour had passed since this endeavor had begun. The $150 that I never thought I would get? Done. Plus more. After another hour I was almost to my goal of $300! By the end of the day I was at 95% of my goal. 

Amazing. Just amazing. 

And to think, I'm just one of the thousands of people out there raising money for this race. One of the thousands that are designing t-shirts and sending emails. It's crazy. It's awesome.

If you want to be part of the awesome crowd you have a few options:

1. Sign up to run your local Race for the Cure and raise some cash. It's October 2. I bet you don't have anything better to do that morning.

2. Donate to someone you know that is running the Race.

To the wonderful folks that have already been generous in honor of my mom -- The Canadian, Tiffany, Connie & Archie, Barb & Mark, Julie, Lowell & Roy and Amy -- THANK YOU! 

The Canadian will be sure to get photos of the event and you'll all be able to watch me struggle across the finish line. As my loving sister said, 'If I was there I would be ready with a gnarly sign that would say “Run faster Kate, a fatty could beat you at this pace!!!!” Nothing says support and encouragement quite like a well made sign.' (Note: that is a true story. she emailed me those exact words.)

I guess I'm going running tomorrow. Wish me luck.

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