The Canadian and I are still living in our (tiny) guest room because the rest of the house is either under construction to repair some water damage or full of the furniture from the rooms that are under construction. It's really fun to try and shimmy down the hallway that is lined with our bedroom furniture and then move the bed to get into the living room which is full of the dining room furniture.
When I left the house this morning our bedroom looked like this.
When I got home from work this afternoon it looked like this.
And have I mentioned that in the midst of all this chaos I'm trying to get ready to leave for Maine for the next three months? Because I am. These conditions aren't exactly conducive to packing and organizing. Granted, I'm only packing for myself and the dogs right now. But still... The Canadian won't be joining me in Maine for another month. He has to stay here and deal with the mess. Plus, he has this little thing called work that gets in the way of our summer plans sometimes.
As I mentioned before, there is really nowhere comfortable to go inside so Hobie and I sat outside while Maple played in the yard for a bit. And by play, I mean she tormented the neighbor's dog for a while before I dragged her butt back inside.
I also came home to find this lovely accessory sitting in our driveway. The workers tried to avoid bringing in a dumpster but there is just too much insulation and stuff that needs to be removed so they had to break out the big guns.
See what I mean? This is just what was removed from our bedroom today.
I finally left and went to the gym for a while. I was feeling good and ready to tackle the job of packing but my car decided it didn't really feel like going anywhere when I went to leave the gym. That's always a good thing to have happen two days before you embark on an 8 hour road trip. Thankfully, TC and Andrew were able to come to my rescue.
When the boys came to rescue me they had been working on the boat. Like that's a normal thing to do in the middle of the road on a Wednesday afternoon.

Out of the Blue (OOTB) is John's J24 sailboat that they all crew and race on. We live right near the water so the boys log plenty of hours racing this beauty during the summer.
The first big race of the year is this coming weekend in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Today they had an important job to do. There's this little part of the boat called the mast - apparently it has to go on the boat before it can race. Something about holding up the sail, I think.
(Note: I'm just kidding. I totally know all the parts of a sailboat. Don't you?)
There is also some sanding to be done but they didn't exactly get around to that today.
Hey, Captain John! OOTB is looking good. Please try not to capsize this weekend. And try not to let anyone fall overboard. I'll be worrying the entire time. Great. Thanks.
Oh, Andrew...please try not to drop Tyler on his head. Thanks.
Anyway, I finally made it back home after the unexpected car debacle and the OOTB photo opp and found our bedroom had almost been put back into one piece...minus the wall and ceiling. But at least it's not full of insulation.
Now it can be used as my dumping ground while I sort through my wardrobe and attempt to pack the proper clothes to survive Maine's crazy weather patterns.
Wish me luck.
Workout: Cardio - 50 minutes, Weights - legs, biceps, shoulders, abs
6 days until the big 3-0. Will I make it? I'm going to channel my inner Little Engine That Could. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
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