Today was a national holiday here in Canada and that means one thing -- long weekend! Victoria Day is the Canadian version of Memorial Day, in case you were wondering. I should have been sleeping in and heading out to the pool or something but instead a whole crew of workers rang the doorbell at 8am on the dot. Wasn't that nice of them? The crew was here to begin work on our house which sustained major water damage over the winter from all of the ice on the roof. Over the course of the next few weeks they will be ripping out 5 ceilings and 4 walls throughout our house. To be exact; our walk-in pantry, the laundry room, the dining room, the bedroom and the kitchen ceilings, the dining room wall and 2 bedroom walls. That's basically every room in the house save the living room (which is now full of furniture and uninhabitable). No biggie. Oh, and the floor of our sun room.
Work started with the dining room this morning. It looked like this when the furniture was removed. Please note that is a brand new paint job on the walls...done by yours truly just a few months ago.
The nice man was kind enough to promptly remove the world's ugliest lighting fixture. I consider this the perfect opportunity to replace it with a fun new chandelier.
Within the hour our dining room ceiling was reduced to a pile of insulation and rotted wood and plaster about two feet deep.
Bye, Mr. Ceiling. Check ya later, dude.
Then the exterior wall came down and The Canadian and I decided it was time to leave the premises before we had a complete meltdown.
So we went to breakfast. I'm happy to report that I passed on the eggs benny and went with the healthier option of a poached egg and a mountain of fruit. Just in case you were wondering...

After breakfast we were driving aimlessly around town with nothing to do because every single store is closed today, including the grocery store and Home Depot. The Canadian and I are mildly obsessed with the TV shows Auction Kings and Auction Hunters so when we saw a sign advertising an auction we decided to stop. Actually, The Canadian decided to stop. I rolled my eyes, sucked it up and followed him inside with minimal amounts of whining. It seemed like a bunch of crappy furniture at first and a lot of old people stuff that I just wasn't into. But then I noticed a Tiffany lamp and decided I needed one of those fun paddles to wave in the air at the auctioneer. So, I became #14 and then everything quickly went down hill.

I missed out on my beloved Tiffany lamp for $30 because 1. I don't know how to bid properly and 2. the auctioneer was blind. So instead I set my sights on this awesome mint green chair. Okay, it's ugly as sin but a quick paint job will spruce it right up and then it can replace my broken desk chair. For $9, I'm sold. Actually, I thought I had it at $5 but some old lady up'd the bid to $7 and then I was forced to put her in her place.

I don't know what came over me next but I suddenly, out of nowhere bid $15 on this awesome Gerber multi-tool. I didn't even see it up close. I just had to have it. I'm a badass like that. I swear I have a genuine use for it though. It will definitely come in handy next week when I head to Maine for my summer job. I promise.

I think TC was feeling a bit left out so he took another lap around the merchandise and decided to bid on our new and totally awesome trunk. I don't know what on Earth he's going to put in it, but I figured I'd let him have some fun with the bidding paddle too.

At this point we were beginning to have a pile of stuff building up so we just kept going. We also scored this ancient 8,000 pound full length mirror. It's solid walnut and is so old that it has hand-made nails holding it together. Since we don't currently have a full length mirror I figure it will save me from a broken ankle when I eventually fall off the bathtub ledge where I teeter every morning trying to look at my pants and shoes in the little mirror. Definitely worth the $20 bucks.

Now we were really getting the hang of things and realized that the jewelry was going for outrageously low prices. I'm talking gold ruby rings for $30. Melting the gold alone would bank at least a couple hundred bucks. I don't really have time for that nonsense but I fell in love with this topaz ring and decided that I must have it. You know, for all the galas that I go to. I have no idea if it's worth $10 or $400 and I don't really care. All that matters is that it is AWESOME, sparkly and I got it for nothing. And I love it. Amen.
So, while we lost a part of our home we managed to gain stuff. I'd say that is a fair trade. And seriously, is there a better way to calm yourself than a little retail therapy? I think not.
Workout: Nothing. I know, I know. It's the day before my final weigh-in, but I went to the gym and didn't have my shoes and by the time I would have made it home and dug out my shoes from all the rubble I would have been late for the Victoria Day BBQ at Serge's house. Self-sabatoge? Maybe. Oh well.

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