It's Tuesday -- which means it is weigh-in day. Things could have been worse, I could have gained weight. They also could have better, I could have lost weight. But instead I stayed at the exact same weight.
This is fine considering I was expecting to gain weight for the following reasons:
1. There have been three sets of baked goods made in the last week and I have eaten them all. Shamelessly.
2. Rover Bill was in town which meant late night pizza, eating out for every other meal, and way too much wine. It couldn't be helped.
3. I stuffed my face with turkey, mashed potatoes and delicious stuffing last night. And don't regret it for one second.
4. I've been miserably sick with terrible sinus congestion and a hacking cough for almost two weeks, thus logging lots of hours on the couch.
5. While I had a sore throat I took to eating mint chocolate chip ice cream every night. And not just regular ice cream, I'm talking milkshake style.
So while I remain sitting at a loss of 12 pounds I will keep staring at my closet full of work pants that don't fit yet.
I refuse to buy more too. In a moment of weakness I went to the mall today to find a new pair of work pants but ended up with two new shirts. Why? Because I can't bring myself to admit defeat. I am going to continue embarrassing myself by rotating through the two pairs of pants that fit right now. You think I'm kidding? I'm not. Two pairs. If that isn't motivation than I don't know what is.
And don't even get me started on all my workout shorts that don't fit. There are six pairs of fun colored shorts lying in the drawer just calling my name. But until I can shed a few more pounds I'll keep rotating through the three pairs that fit.
Do you understand how much laundry I have to do to keep up with this rotation? It's a sad situation.
But I'm not down on myself...not at all. You can't not feel good about losing weight. I can feel a difference, even if it's not obvious to anyone else.
It's funny that 12 pounds doesn't look like anything when I've worked so hard at it. No one has noticed. Hell, I can hardly tell when I look in the mirror. There are some differences -- slightly more toned arms and a slightly flatter stomach. But that's about it, nothing worth writing home over.

The photo on the left is Week 1. The photo on the right is Week 8.
Don't feel bad that you can't see a difference. Because for now I'm completely happy with feeling the difference instead of seeing it. How I feel in my own skin is just as important as how I look, if not more so. Right? Right. (Nod your head and agree with me for Pete's sake)
Anyway, we're 2/3's of the way done! Four weeks until my 30th birthday. Four weeks until I head to Maine for the summer and bust out the bathing suits.
Just call me The Little Engine.
Workout: Cardio - 45 minutes, Weights - biceps, shoulders, legs, abs
Week 8 Weigh-In: 0 pounds lost
Total Weight Lost: 12 pounds Remaining: 8 pounds
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